Create Footer Without Plugin In GeneratePress Theme

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Let’s say you have designed the whole website, now you want to Create a different-looking footer on your WordPress website then follow this article because creating Amazing footers is not that hard, watch my video on youtube and do the same. that’s it.

CSS Code

Simply paste these CSS Codes in Additional CSS Box

.inside-footer-widgets h2{
.inside-footer-widgets .rpwwt-widget ul li{
.inside-footer-widgets ul li{
.footer-widget-1 p {

/* Footer */
@media (min-width: 769px) {
 .footer-widgets-container .footer-widget-1 {
.footer-widget-2 {
.footer-widget-3 {

Let me know if you are facing any issue, while doing the same.

One Request?

I worked hard on this post to help the blogging community. It would help me a lot if you consider sharing it on social media networks. Because Sharing Is Caring.. ♥️

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An aspiring MCA student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Helping Beginners To Build Amazing WordPress Websites.

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