Remove #more From URL In GeneratePress Premium Theme

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This article is all about how to remove #more from permalink, If you are using generatepress premium on your WordPress website and whenever you click on view more button in your blog section then generate place automatically add #more keyword in the last of your URL or you can say in your permalink. I feel this is not SEO friendly URL structure that’s why in this post I am going to solve this Big Bug or issue so it cannot harm your SEO ranking.

Steps to Fix Permalink Bug In GeneratePress Theme

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard
  2. Mouse hover on appearance option
  3. click on theme editor search for function.php
  4. Open function.php

After that just copy the below code and paste it on function.php for more information you can watch the below video.

// Copy This code and paste according to below video.

add_filter( 'generate_more_jump', '__return_false' ); 


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An aspiring MCA student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, and Helping Beginners To Build Amazing WordPress Websites.

18 thoughts on “Remove #more From URL In GeneratePress Premium Theme”

  1. Not working and I got this error after pasting your code ” Something went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and upload the file over FTP.”

  2. sir is code se desktop crome me fix hogya lekin others brows me fix nhi ho raha or Mobil crome me bhi abhi ae problem he plllzzzzzz chek

  3. The problem is solved on my side I was worried about this problem for almost 10 days, and finally, as always, you helped me to get out of this.
    Thank you so much, sir. You are a true savior.


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